Open Door Teacher Excellence recognized by AAEYC

Here's just a small sampling of what Open Door parents have to say about us.


When we had all doors closed to us because of our son’s special needs, only Open Door—with its great teachers—were open and honest with us. They were the only ones who saw his positive potential.
My son’s experience at Open Door has led to an open and empathic child who views everyone as a person first, like him. Any characteristics are just adjectives not the noun.
There is no price for the level of comfort and confidence we feel in having our son at Open Door.
They give the kids structure while still allowing freedom to explore their curiosity.
I really appreciate that not only is my child safe and happy and learning, she is loved. My experience has been that Open Door lives up to its name in every way.
One image I remember from our tour was walking through the middle room where the older children were busily mixing bowls of eggs that were green! The teachers were involved and encouraging, and I wished for a moment that I’d been in a place where the adults made the fairy tale books come alive for me in the way that Dr. Seuss was being manifested. That was an immediate epiphany: I wanted my children to have all of those dreams at his fingertips.
My friends and family are blown away by how courteous and loving he is as a result of the teaching he receives at school.
They have provided a wonderful environment for my children and encourage a network of support among the families that have children here.
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When you’re a parent with a full-time job and your child spends more of her time at school than awake at home, a learning and nurturing environment like Open Door is priceless.
Open Door is a second home for my two boys.
I’m 100% confident in the care my two boys receive at Open Door.
They hone in on a child’s uniqueness and support it—whether it be my son’s bilingualism or his love of physical activity and let him flourish.
The day we got the call that Open Door would accept our two children, it felt like the heavens opened up. I had heard great things and let me tell you, I have NOT been disappointed.
I appreciate so much that there are different races, income levels, ability levels, and even male teachers at Open Door. It is far more slice of life and embracing of differences than other schools we visited.
Our children come home covered in arts and crafts, with shoes filled with sand and sometimes even soaking wet. This might sound like a disaster if you’re uptight, but I know my kids and, being toddlers, if they aren’t experiencing every sensation, then they aren’t happy.
The whole staff at Open Door is an assuring presence that my son is nurtured, supported and growing. I have to work. I am the provider of the family and I am grateful every day that my son has a warm, creative, out of the box environment to go to during the week.
My boys have blossomed in the short time they’ve been at Open Door. Their vocabulary has exploded, they are so much more outgoing and social now. They are learning so much every day.
These past few months have been transformative for all of us.
Not only has our daughter learned to treat her peers and teachers respectfully, she has a sense of self-importance. That is essential.
I honestly believe that I am a better parent as a result of the input and advice that I have gleaned from the Open Door staff.